Nora Berman
Sparkly22MiraclesLos Angeles | October 24th - December 7th 2020

October 12, 2020
Statement of Facts That Are True, Today
1. The names Nora Berman, Sparkly22Miracles, Harpreet Shanti Kaur, Draedalix, Kayla, and Dr. Panacea the Quack are vessels in a constellation. They are all Nora Berman and not Nora Berman at the same time.
2. Each name is a cup that exhibits its own unique shape, frequency, and time. They are the keys to communicating with the multiverse.
3. I have nothing to gain from looking through the lens of being who or what a person or thing is; I have everything to lose. I engage in a process of conscious self-destruction as a way to constantly reincarnate while living.
4. Through multiplicity I safeguard the secret nature of my practice. Different doors open at different times. Entry depends on sincere wanting.
5. My project as a creator encompasses many forces that work together. Painting is the most obvious driving force, but it is one part of a larger configuration of expressions. A “Nora Berman” painting cannot exist without a performance by Sparkly22Miracles, and so on.
6. The “body” of Sparkly22Miracles is an effect, created by a cause. A consequence of artificial light, a confusion of boundaries. The cause is defined by my conviction to honor the abundance of miracles, and the effect is an energetic relationship to what I value.
7. In being Sparkly22Miracles, what’s in the name, appears. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles.
8. I am slippery. In my world, we don’t walk, we get around sliding on saliva.
9. Art functions in a similar way to sex, and to miracles. It is a pathway for the impossible to become possible. When I’m in it, I overflow, and you’re welcome to come, the only prerequisite is a sincere desire to get wet.
Nora Berman

Nora Berman (b.1990, Los Angeles) holds a BFA from the University of California, Los Angeles and MFA from Kunst Institut Academy of Art and Design, Basel, Switzerland. Solo and two-person exhibitions: Le Maximum, Los Angeles (forthcoming), Downs & Ross, New York, Weiss Falk, Basel; Ellis King, Dublin. Selected group exhibitions: High Art, Paris; dèpendance, Brussels; Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel; Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St.Gallen; Longtang, Zürich; Mickey Schubert, Berlin; Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; Honolulu, Zurich; Ellis King, Dublin; Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles; Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin; Marta Herford Museum, Herford, Germany; and Château Shatto, Los Angeles.