Group Show
SUPERSHADOWPOWERWOMANLos Angeles | June 23 - August 15 2018
Artists: Alison Blickle, Kristin Calabrese, Virginia Conesa, Rema Ghuloum, Stephanie Haines, Rebecca Farr,
Galia Linn, Despina Stokou, Kirsten Stoltmann, Brenna Youngblood, Emma Gray
Press: Artnews

"Within the feminine shadow resides the marginalized, concealed, hidden gems of the totality of the Self. Shadow is a term employed in Jungian psychology to name unconscious aspects of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. Seemingly, these qualities are dark in nature, possessive with an autonomous force that threatens to bring down the entire system we have long identified with as our Self.
In fact, the shadow’s purpose is to introduce us to numinous and emerging properties that want to be known and integrated. When discussing the Feminine aspects our psyche we pull focus to the facets of our souls that rule our creative spirit, our desire for connection, our capacity to nurture and hold space. Meeting these parts of ourselves in Shadow form actualize a confrontation so powerfully compelling, that it threatens to destroy our very soul. As artists, our work is to set out to find intimacy with the abject and to materialize the relationship between consciousness and the Shadow." Virginia Conesa, M.A., L.M.F.T.