Allegra Jones
Research on the Racial MirrorLos Angeles | September 2 - September 9 2020
Press: VoyageLA

Allegra Jones summer residency studio and installation: “Research on The Racial Mirror” is open by appt for visitors at Five Car Garage from Monday August 31st - September 9th. Jones has used the space as her studio over the summer, to make this new body of work, giving life to her studies on the afterlife of slavery. Jones has been investigating structures that congeal and perpetuate anti-blackness while exploring orientations toward racial healing and liberation.
Allegra Jones who is half white and half black, understood from a young age that although she is half white, society sees her as a black woman, which changes her experience of the world significantly. Jones intends to explore and articulate the dimensions of her biracial identity in context within the current Black Lives Matter movement. As a visual artist, painter, musician, alchemist, performer, anti-racist, and educator with a degree in experimental animation from CalArts, Jones plans on creating a series of works that transcends conventional category. Five Car Garage hopes you will visit this unique residency and developing body of work, to continue the necessary conversation in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement in this country and beyond.

George Floyd by Allegra Jones
9 x 12" Ink on canvas paper
Edition of 100 $150 each
Supporting Black Womens Wellness Foundation to purchase.