“BENTHOS BATHOS”Los Angeles | September 3rd - September 27th 2022
POP-UP SPACE in CHINATOWN at 646 N.Spring Street Los Angeles CA 90012
Opening September 3rd from 12-5pmSept 3rd - Sept 26th
Open wednesday, thursday, friday, Saturday 12-5pm

Benthos is the aquatic zone where softer animals live at the seabed
Maslansky's grouping of works were produced within the last two years, continuing his examination of the sea and the unconscious as interchangeable stages of production. In them, recognizable and heretofore unknown forms arise through his attractions and repulsions, intermingling into a jambalaya or allusions, metaphors and metonyms about shame, personae, and desire. Some works concretize, through help of talk therapy, into what Maslansky calls 'his inner parasitic voice,' at once organic and cold. Another work makes conversation around the idea of our mammalian senses and their limitations; and others return to Maslansky's familiar preoccupation with sea animals, art history and his invented 'shame-eater' heads.

Dualistic Coned God, 2020, glazed ceramic, 18 x 13 inches

Parasite II, 2021, glazed ceramic, mixed media, 22 x 17 inches

Parasite I, 2021, glazed ceramic, mixed media, 21 x 12 inches

Octopus in a Coconut (Jar), 2021, glazed ceramic and mixed media,
25 x 11.5 inches

Four Senses, 2021, glazed ceramic, 8 x 12 inches

Shame-Eater (purple), 2021 glazed ceramic,
12 (h) x 15 (w) x 14 (l)

Shame Plate (Shells, Banana, Eyes, Pickle), 2022, 12 inches (w) x 2 inches (h)

Equilibrium Across all Shames (Mondrian), 2022, glazed ceramic,
22(h) x 17 (base) inches

“Self portrait as pie and leftovers,” 12” diameter approx 2022