Paul Pescador
LOVERS and REMAKESLos Angeles | April 28 - June 19 2018
Press: GoSeeArt

He sits on J's couch, it’s Friday night and reality television plays alongside red wine and veggie burgers. He tries to share an anecdote or story, but can’t seem to do so without mentioning them. Past individuals who are always on the tip of his tongue. Embedded in his vocabulary.
So move on?
It’s no longer about mourning as what needed to happen has already happened.
So move on?
This utterance of the past no longer has to do with them. Familiarity dictates language.
Five Car Garage presents an exhibition by artist, filmmaker and writer Paul Pescador. His multidisciplinary practice interweaves film, performance and photography to discuss intimate and personal dynamics in one’s everyday experience. For this exhibition, Pescador will present artworks from two separate bodies of work, Lovers (2017-2018) and Remakes (2013-2018).
In Lovers, Pescador has moved away his own body which is has been the primary individual subject in his photographs and films and instead he has dressed close friends, current and past partners in his studio materials. Similar to his own body in previous works, Pescador drapes his subjects with costuming and layers of highly colorful fabrics and cheap tactile materials. These castaway materials wrap around to conceal their anonymity, only decipherable through the flesh of hands or shoulders which poke through the fabric. Rather than reveal a narrative of past lovers intimacies and foibles, the photographs instead focus on the presences of characterization, humor and fantasy, allowing for new forms of relatable and persona to appear.
In Remakes, Pescador has returned to his body of photographs 6,7 or 9 (2013), which were a series of still life images collaged and re-photographs into the form of physical abstract bodies that became character studies for a film by the same name. Using materials such as glitter, puffy paint and oil pens, Pescador has produced collages out of the same images constructed over five years prior, rethinking both about the limits and linearity of his own image making as single compositions have now mutated into hand-made works of paper (no longer re-photographed).
Lovers and Remakes consider collage, both through the layering of costumes and fabrics onto a body within the image of Lovers and the physical act of cutting past works onto one another in Remakes. Through this act of collaging, symbols and objects become mixed as past and present rupture and then align.
Accompany the exhibition, Pescador will also screen his short narrative film 6, 7 or 9 (2013) in which he uses different personal relationships as the subject matter of the film, these relationships vary from the domestic to anonymous strangers. The film cross cuts between these different social dynamics which intertwine into each other and often collide. The images in the film are created out of brightly colored dioramas. These playful images contrast the serious subjects matter, producing a world that appears playful but also dark in tone.

Paul Pescador is an artist, filmmaker and writer working in Los Angeles, with an MFA from University of California, Irvine and a BA from University of Southern California. He produce films, performances and photographs to discuss social interactions and intimacy as they pertain to his own personal identity and history. Recent exhibitions, projects, and screenings include: 18th Street (2018); gallery1993 (2018); (2017); Coastal/Borders, Getty Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA at Angels Gate Cultural Center (2017); LAND at The Gamble House, Pasadena (2016); Vacancy, Los Angeles (2016); PSSST, Los Angeles (2016); Ashes/Ashes, Los Angeles (2016); Park View, Los Angeles (2014); Anthony Greaney, Boston (2013); the Vista Theater, Los Angeles (2012); and Human Resources, Los Angeles (2011). Recent performances include: Machine Projects, Los Angeles; (2016); ( 2016); Los Angeles Contemporary Archives (2016); Performa 2015; Colony, New York (2015); metro pcs (2015); UC Berkeley: Durham Studio Theater (2015); PAM, Los Angeles (2015); Sweety’s, Boston (2014); Hammer Museum, with KCHUNG TV, Los Angeles (2014); REDCAT, Los Angeles (2014); Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University, Los Angeles (2012); and ForYourArt, Los Angeles (2012). His first full collection of writing CRUSHES:A NOVELLA was released by Econo Textual Objects in Spring 2017.