David Hendren
ECHO’S DRIFTLos Angeles | May 31 - July 30 2014

ECHO'S DRIFT Five Car Garage and Anna Meliksetian | MJBriggs are pleased to present “Echo’s Drift”, a two-space show of new works by Los Angeles artist David Hendren. David Hendren's work embodies a process of hybrid forms in paintings, sculptures and site-specific architectural-scale installations. Disparate subjects such as portraiture, architectural language and geometric abstraction, are layered using a variety of mediums and materials.
The exhibition at 5 CAR GARAGE embodies the concept of repetition through an expansive architectural installation and series of paintings. The installation is comprised of sculptural objects that, through their composition and arrangement, express an exploded machine. The composition of the paintings suggests a mechanical process of repeated gestures – an exaggerated distortion – as if the works were audio feedback made manifest.